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Recommend an Excellence Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
agribusiness Nero Miciok cat cafe'
pastry shops L’Arte Della Pasticceria

Our Story

L'Arte della Pasticceria, founded in 2013, is a contemporary Italian pastry shop. Our foundational vision was, and remains to this day, to promote and explore with our customers Italian dessert arts.  Our chef/co-owner Andrea, as well as our investors, are Italians. At L'Arte we therefore celebrate the cosmopolitan and multicultural origins of Italian desserts. Besides being Italophiles we also happen to think that Italian desserts taste great and are nonpareil.

When you visit our elegant shop, you will be warmly greeted, and all of your senses are in for a treat. From pastries to cakes and frozen desserts, as well as our unique selection of coffees and drinks, everything is carefully and thoughtfully prepared for your enjoyment. Yes, you will see some products that you recognize but many more that you have never experienced outside of Italy. Our specialty is Sicilian desserts (Chef Andrea is from Sicily) but we are truly pan-Italian not afraid to draw from the global Italian diaspora experience.

Finally, we are a scratch bakery so virtually everything you see when you enter the shop is prepared and made by us. Our ingredients and baking methods are wholesome. We use both locally grown and imported Italian ingredients in all of our desserts.  We are here for you and look forward to seeing you soon.

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Food & Wine La Bottega Veneta Kassel

La Bottega Veneta

Wie vielfältig, abwechslungsreich und schmackhaft man im Veneto isst und trinkt, erfahren Sie bei uns: Tania Frare und Marco Fattorel. Wir wollen Sie neben eher bekannten Gerichten und Produkten auch mit hierzulande eher seltenen Genüssen überraschen. Mittels unserer täglich wechselnden Speisekarte können Sie sich der vielgestaltigen Regione del Veneto mit den Geschmacksnerven und den Sinnen nähern.

In unserem freundlichen und individuell eingerichtetem Lokal an der Wilhelmshöher Allee werden die Gerichte frisch zubereitet. Während Marco blanchiert, brät und kocht, können Sie sich zwischenzeitlich mit unserer Palette an Feinkostprodukten vertraut machen. Tania berät Sie gern und gibt kompetent Auskunft über Aromen, Geschmacksnoten, Erzeuger und Sorten. Wir bieten unseren Gästen regelmäßig Degustationen zu unserem Angebot.


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